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Design Services

Design - Page Heading

Our staff's uncompromising goal for every project is to provide our clients practical solutions that meet their objectives by maximizing project value while minimizing project costs.  Although our main focus is functionality, our multi-disciplinary approach to design allows us to identify ways the design could impact surface water, groundwater, and environmental resources within the project area.  Some of our staff's areas of expertise include:   

Natural Stream Channel Design and Wetland Design


When impacts to an environmental resource like a stream or wetland are necessary for project completion, the plan detailing how the owner will mitigate (or lessen the severity of the impacts) often becomes essential to agency approval.  Artemis uses Natural Stream Channel Design, a process that recognizes streams as complex ecosystems with characteristics dependent on a stable dimension, pattern, and profile.  We design each channel to remain stable while also providing aquatic function.    


Design - Natural Stream Channel Design

Wetlands are a protected resource under the Clean Water Act. Development of a successful wetland mitigation plan involves an understanding of the site hydrology, soils, and vegetation.  Plans addressing control of invasive species are necessary to ensure success of the mitigation.  Artemis's staff has been responsible for or involved with the design of over forty thousand linear feet of stream mitigation and nearly one hundred acres of wetland mitigation.


Often a land development project is only as effective as the proponent's site design. Simple details like the location of an entrance, the grade on a sidewalk, the design of a retaining wall and visibility of a stormwater control structure can impact the aesthetic of project.  We work closely with the owner and architect to develop a site design that meets both the intent of the overall design and the requirements of any environmental permits. 


Grading Plans and Site Design

Design - Grading Plans/Site Design

Mine Plan Development


Artemis's experience in permitting surface and underground coal mining operations has shown that development of an operations plan that meets the client's specifications and complies with applicable regulations is critical and minimizes the need for future plan revisions.  With certified professional engineers and geologists as part of our team, our understanding of mining techniques and environmental concerns help create plans that meet this critical need. 

Design - Mine Plan Development

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design


Management of stormwater runoff and design of sediment control is an important part of any development or land disturbing activity and is often required as part of the permitting process.  The use of hydrologic and hydraulic models such as HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, and SEDCAD are important components of controls like diversions, outlet structures, and retention basins as well as development of floodplain mapping and impoundment breach analysis. Our staff is experienced in the use of these models and their foundational principles to conduct sound hydrologic analysis and hydralic design.

Design - Hydrologic / Hydraulic

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 1085

Abingdon, VA 24212

276.258.5276 (office)    -    276.258.0628 (fax)

Artemis Consulting Services, LLC ensures nondiscrimination in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  In addition to Title VI, Artemis Consulting Services, LLC will not discriminate under other statutes that afford legal protection on the basis of sex, age or disability.  If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact Brandi Browning at 276.258.5276.

Physical Address

15571 Lee Highway

Bristol, VA 24202

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